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Annual average rate of 2007:
1 USD ($ USD) = 29.39 rub.
1 EUR (€) = 41,42 rub.
Currencies exchange rates (as of 11.06.2010): 1 USD ($ USD) = 31.5742 rub.
1 EUR (€) = 38.0217 rub.
Inflation 0.7% Èçì. 0%
Gold and currency reserves 441.4 bln. USD
Oil Brent (ICE) 71.62 USD/ barrel
GDP II êâàðòàë 2009 ãîä 9 326,4 bln. Rub.
Exports 24,5 Èçì 1,8 bln. USD
Imports 15.5 Èçì. 1.6 bln. USD
Fixed asset investments 01.07.09ã. 621,7 Èçì. -49.4 bln. Rub.
Consumer price index (as of 01.8 / 31.08.2009) 100 Èçì. 0%
- for food commodities 99.1 Èçì. - 1.5%
- for non-food products 100.6 Èçì. - 0.2%
- for paid services rendered to the population 100.4 Èçì. - 0.4%
Forecast rates on
1 USD ($ USD) = rub.
1 EUR (€) = rub.
Volgograd Region
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Area, km2:
113 900
Time zone:
Federal District:
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
Administrative center (city):
Population (inhabitants):
2 614,36
Largest cities of the region (inhabitants):
Volgograd – 1,044,356 (one of the largest Russian cities)
Volzhski – 324,224
Kamyshin – 127,891
Share of urban population (%):
Income per capita (USD):
Income per capita 2007/2006 (%):
Gross regional product, 2005 (million rubles):
249 147.1
Gross regional product per capita, 2005 (rubles):
94 812.1
Fixed capital investment, 2006 (million rubles) :
Foreign direct investment, 2006 (thousands USD):
The region is located on the South-East of the East European Plain and has an advantageous geographical situation, being the main gate to Southern Russia with access to Iran, Iraq, the Caucasus and Kazakhstan. The region has about 200 rivers of various sizes (the largest are the Volga and the Don).
The cultural heritage of the Volgograd Region is very rich. The region boasts 187 museums, including the famous panoramic Battle of Stalingrad museum, the monumental ensemble “To the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” on the Mamai Burial Mound.
The educational facilities of the Volgograd Region comprise 1,273 general secondary education day schools; 17 higher education establishments and 18 branches of state higher education establishments.
The Volgograd Region has high potential in terms of natural resources for development of the material and primary product base. The region is rich in oil and gas, chemical and cement raw material, iron ore, non-ferrous and rare metals etc., and there are significant resources of underground waters, including mineral waters.
Based on many indices, the industry of the Volgograd Region occupies a leading position in the Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation. It accounts for about 23% of the volume of industrial manufacture in the Southern federal district.
The production rate of industrial enterprises in the Volgograd Region in real terms accounts for the following proportions of the product output volume of the Southern Federal District: oil recovery - about 26%, oil refining - 48%, power generation – more than 26%, rolled ferrous metal, tractors, and tires - 100%, steel pipes – 63%, chemical fiber and threads – about 65%, special oil equipment – over 80%.
The region is one of the largest agricultural producers in the Russian Federation.
The Volgograd Region has a well-developed transport infrastructure, and all types of transport are available, except marine transport. Important railways (the Privolzhskaya Railway), waterways (the Volga, Don and the Volga-Don Canal), airways as well as 3 federal and 7 regional highways pass through the region . Volgograd Airport is one of the largest in the Volga River Basin.
Contact information
Region's website
Nikolay Kirillovich Maksyuta
Investment projects of the region:
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