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Annual average rate of 2007:
1 USD ($ USD) = 29.39 rub.
1 EUR (€) = 41,42 rub.
Currencies exchange rates (as of 11.06.2010): 1 USD ($ USD) = 31.5742 rub.
1 EUR (€) = 38.0217 rub.
Inflation 0.7% Èçì. 0%
Gold and currency reserves 441.4 bln. USD
Oil Brent (ICE) 71.62 USD/ barrel
GDP II êâàðòàë 2009 ãîä 9 326,4 bln. Rub.
Exports 24,5 Èçì 1,8 bln. USD
Imports 15.5 Èçì. 1.6 bln. USD
Fixed asset investments 01.07.09ã. 621,7 Èçì. -49.4 bln. Rub.
Consumer price index (as of 01.8 / 31.08.2009) 100 Èçì. 0%
- for food commodities 99.1 Èçì. - 1.5%
- for non-food products 100.6 Èçì. - 0.2%
- for paid services rendered to the population 100.4 Èçì. - 0.4%
Forecast rates on
1 USD ($ USD) = rub.
1 EUR (€) = rub.
Leningrad Region
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Area, km2:
85 300
Time zone:
Federal District:
North-Western Federal District of Russia
Administrative center (city):
St. Petersburg
Population (inhabitants):
1 635,54
Largest cities of the region (inhabitants):
Gatchina - 89,100
Vyborg - 77,900
Sosnoviy Bor - 66,700
Share of urban population (%):
Income per capita (USD):
Income per capita 2007/2006 (%):
Gross regional product, 2005 (million rubles):
265 404.8
Gross regional product per capita, 2005 (rubles):
161 752.0
Fixed capital investment, 2006 (million rubles) :
Foreign direct investment, 2006 (thousands USD):
Leningrad Region is located entirely within the territory of the East European Plain and is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Finland, Lake Onega, and Lake Ladoga, the largest in Europe. It has about 1,800 lakes and a wealth of rivers, the largest of which are the Neva, the Svir, and the Volkhov. 55.5% of its territory is covered with forests. The region is rich in mineral resources (bauxites, coal slate and phosphorites). It also has some unique natural monuments: Lindulovskaya Larch Grove, Nizhne-Svirskiy State Ornithological Reserve, Sablino Caves, etc.
Historically, Leningrad Region is one of the most important Russian territories. The region has a wealth of historical and cultural monuments: more than 3,900 of them have been preserved, and some are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. These are Staraya Ladoga Museum Reserve, Ivangorod Fortress, some priceless monuments of Russian wooden architecture, the Monrepos Park, Schlisselburg Fortress, the palaces and garden ensembles of Gatchina, Pushkin, Pavlovsk and others.
There are 42 higher education institutions in Leningrad Region.
The region’s industrial complex has three major sectors: mining, manufacturing, and electric power, gas and water production and distribution. The woodworking and timber industry is also developed. Tourism is of major importance.
261 agricultural enterprises operate within the territory of the region, as well as 5,905 owner-operated farms, 137 food and processing industry enterprises, and 145 fishery enterprises.
Transportation accounts for about 9% of GRP. Cretan Intermodal Transport Corridor No. 9 passes by the region’s territory, which is connected to Baltic Corridor No. 1, or Via Hanseatica. October Railways, 5 federal highways and 10 federal roads pass by the region’s territory. A part of the North European Gas Pipeline, currently under construction, is also located there. The region has 4 sea ports, 3 river ports, and one international airport (Pulkovo).
Contact information
Region's website
Valeriy Pavlovich Serdyukov
+7 (812) 571-13-23
Investment projects of the region:
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