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Annual average rate of 2007:
1 USD ($ USD)   = 29.39 rub.
1 EUR (€)           = 41,42 rub.

Currencies exchange rates (as of 11.06.2010): 
1 USD ($ USD)  = 31.5742 rub.
1 EUR (€)          = 38.0217 rub.

                      0.7% Èçì. 0%
Gold and currency reserves        441.4 bln. USD
Oil Brent (ICE)         71.62
                          USD/ barrel
GDP               II êâàðòàë 2009 ãîä 9 326,4 bln. Rub.
Exports            24,5 Èçì 1,8 bln. USD
Imports           15.5 Èçì. 1.6 bln. USD
Fixed asset
   01.07.09ã. 621,7 Èçì. -49.4 bln. Rub.
Consumer price index
(as of 01.8 / 31.08.2009)
  100 Èçì. 0% - for food
              99.1 Èçì. - 1.5%
- for non-food
                   100.6 Èçì. - 0.2%
- for paid services rendered to the population         100.4 Èçì. - 0.4%
Forecast rates on                         
1 USD ($ USD) = rub.
1 EUR (€)          = rub.
Ðóññêèé  /  English

Buryatia Republic

Area, km2:
351 300
Time zone:
Administrative center (city):
Population (inhabitants):
Share of urban population (%):
Gross regional product, 2005 (million rubles):
90 555.4
Gross regional product per capita, 2005 (rubles):
94 168.7
Fixed capital investment, 2006 (million rubles) :
Buryatia is located in the South-Central region of Siberia along the eastern shore of Lake Baikal.
Over 80% of republic's territory is located in the mountainous region, including the Baikal Mountains on the northern shores of Lake Baikal.
Buryatia's natural resources include gold, tungsten, zinc, uranium and more.
The head of government in Buryatia is the President, who is appointed by the President of Russia for a four-year term. Between 1991-2007, the President was Leonid Vasilyevich Potapov, who was elected on July 1, 1994, re-elected in 1998 (with 63.25% of votes), and then re-elected again on June 23, 2002 (with over 67% of votes). Prior to the elections, Potapov was the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic—the highest post at that time.
The Republic's parliament is the People's Khural, popularly elected every four years. The People's Khural has 65 deputies.
The Republic's Constitution was adopted on February 22, 1994.
The republic's economy is composed of important agricultural and commercial products including wheat, vegetables, potatoes, timber, leather, graphite and textiles. Fishing, hunting, fur farming, sheep and cattle farming, mining, stock raising, engineering, and food processing are also important economic generators.
The higher education institutions of the republic include Buryatia State University, Buryat State Academy of Agriculture, East Siberian State Academy of Arts and Culture, and East Siberian State Technological Institute.
Tibetan Buddhism, Shamanism, and Orthodox Christianity are the most widespread religions in Buryatia.
Lake Baikal is a popular tourist destination.
  Contact information
Region's website
Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Nagovitsyn

Investment projects of the region:

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