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Annual average rate of 2007:
1 USD ($ USD)   = 29.39 rub.
1 EUR (€)           = 41,42 rub.

Currencies exchange rates (as of 11.06.2010): 
1 USD ($ USD)  = 31.5742 rub.
1 EUR (€)          = 38.0217 rub.

                      0.7% Изм. 0%
Gold and currency reserves        441.4 bln. USD
Oil Brent (ICE)         71.62
                          USD/ barrel
GDP               II квартал 2009 год 9 326,4 bln. Rub.
Exports            24,5 Изм 1,8 bln. USD
Imports           15.5 Изм. 1.6 bln. USD
Fixed asset
   01.07.09г. 621,7 Изм. -49.4 bln. Rub.
Consumer price index
(as of 01.8 / 31.08.2009)
  100 Изм. 0% - for food
              99.1 Изм. - 1.5%
- for non-food
                   100.6 Изм. - 0.2%
- for paid services rendered to the population         100.4 Изм. - 0.4%
Forecast rates on                         
1 USD ($ USD) = rub.
1 EUR (€)          = rub.
Русский  /  English

Kemerovo Region

Area, km2:
95 500
Time zone:
Federal District:
Siberian Federal District of Russia
Administrative center (city):
Population (inhabitants):
2 824,92
Largest cities of the region (inhabitants):
Novokuznetsk - 560,900
Kemerovo - 519,800
Prokopyevsk - 215,900
Share of urban population (%):
Income per capita (USD):
483,5 – в месяц
Gross regional product, 2005 (million rubles):
337 409.1
Gross regional product per capita, 2005 (rubles):
119 124.2
Fixed capital investment, 2006 (million rubles) :
Foreign direct investment, 2006 (thousands USD):
Kemerovo Region is situated in the South-East of Western Siberia. Its central part is located in the Kuznetsk Basin, surrounded by mountains on three sides. Its main river is the Tom.
Kuznetsk Basin, or Kuzbass, accounts for 73% of the overall Russian coking coal resources. It also has major deposits of brown coal, 8 iron ore fields, and 76 peat fields. It has deposits of gold, silver, tungsten, mercury, molybdenum, cobalt, and nickel. About 20 fields of fluxing limestone, dolomites, quarzites, fire clays and moulding sands have been developed.
The region has over 40 higher education establishments, 14 R&D institutions, and about 2,500 cultural organizations.
The region’s GRP in 2006 amounted to USD13,525.5. Industry plays a leading role in the regional economy, accounting for 47.5% of the GRP. The shipping volume of industrial products amounted to USD17 billion. Annual industrial output growth rate is 106.6%.
Main industry sectors are: - coal mining and hardrock mining; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (14% of rolled ferrous metals and 14.1% of steel output); machine building;  thermal power production; chemical production (10.6% of chemical fiber output); manufacture of electrical equipment, electronic and optical devices; food and light industry.
Major agricultural sectors include: crop production (grain and vegetables), stock farming (cattle, pig, and poultry breeding).
Kemerovo Region's economy is export-oriented. Its external trade turnover in 2006 amounted to USD7 billion.
The region has an extensive network of railways connected to the Trans-Siberian Railway and to Central Asian railways. Highways stretch over 8,545km. A federal highway passes by the territory of the Region.  Kemerovo Region has 3 airports. Navigable waterways cover 517km.
  Contact information
Region's website

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